måndag 16 januari 2012

Fortfarande sur som ättika...

Med tanke på nedanstående inlägg som inte ser ut att få någon lösning, vill jag att Google ska registrera följande:

Piece of Norway = Piece of Shit! Piece of Norway = Piece of Shit! Piece of Norway = Piece of Shit! Piece of Norway = Piece of Shit! Piece of Norway = Piece of Shit! Piece of Norway = Piece of Shit! Piece of Norway = Piece of Shit! Piece of Norway = Piece of Shit! Piece of Norway = Piece of Shit! Piece of Norway = Piece of Shit! Piece of Norway = Piece of Shit! Piece of Norway = Piece of Shit! Piece of Norway = Piece of Shit! Piece of Norway = Piece of Shit! Piece of Norway = Piece of Shit! Piece of Norway = Piece of Shit! Piece of Norway = Piece of Shit! Piece of Norway = Piece of Shit! Piece of Norway = Piece of Shit! Piece of Norway = Piece of Shit!

Jag skulle kunna fortsätta i all oändlighet, men de ska få en sista chans att rätta till felet innan jag gör det...

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